Digestive issues, stress and hormonal imbalances can contribute to inflammation and cause abdominal pain, gas, and bloating. Acupuncture and herbs can improve digestion and relieve abdominal bloating. Abdominal bloating occurs when gas builds up in the gastrointestinal tract and fills the stomach and/or intestines with air, causing the abdomen to get enlarged and distended, can include sharp pain, belching, flatulence, nausea, or a sudden strong urge to go to the bathroom. Bloating can also be related to fluid retention.
Some digestive conditions that may cause abdominal bloating, gas, and pain include: Spleen/Stomach Deficiency – symptoms include chronic bloating, poor appetite, feel worse after eating, pallor, and fatigue, which can be caused by medications, raw, cold, or fermented food, eating disorders, long-term illness, or chronic inflammatory disorders. Damp-Phlegm – symptoms include distended stomach, nausea, acid reflux, diarrhea, which can be caused by dietary habits such as excess sugar, alcohol, fatty or fried foods, and dairy products. External conditions such as damp environmental conditions can also contribute to excess internal dampness. Liver Qi stagnation – can present with stomachaches, gurgling, belching, and constipation which can be caused by stress, feelings of anxiety or anger, and irregular, emotional eating behaviors.
Some acupuncture points that would be great for treating gas and/or bloating could include: ST36 – Moves qi, alleviates pain in the stomach channel, and regulates the stomach.
SP9 – Transform dampness.
LI4 – (with LV3) – Alleviate pain and move qi in the whole body.
Ren12 – Front mu of the stomach.
ST25 – Front mu of the large intestine.
LV13 – Front mu of the spleen.
LV14 – Front mu of the liver.
ST40 – Damp/phlegm
Acupuncture can do wonders for digestive issues by moving the energy (qi) throughout the body. Sometimes it can get stuck in the abdomen (middle jiao) causing pain, gas, and bloating. It can be very effective to relieve symptoms along with diet modification, stress reduction and physical activity. Some precautions to be aware of including eating food not appropriate for their constitution, too many processed foods, temperature of food and/or whether foods are cooked or not.
Dr. Joni Chapman, DACM, Lac
(619) 592-1760